Tag Archive | no limits

A new level of crazy! With Regiment Fitness

This picture was taken by Jeremy van den Bergh who kindly gave me permission to use it

This picture was taken by Jeremy van den Bergh who kindly gave me permission to use it

I’ve always thought of myself as quite fit, as I go to a lot of exercise classes, I take part in fitness events, and I walk a lot and play outside with my boys. So last week, when I thought I’d have a go at  Regiment Fitness, I wasn’t too worried. There was a special FaceBook offer to try five sessions for £10, and I thought it might be a bit of fun. Basically, it’s a bootcamp run by military trained PT instructors who have you doing a range of exercises and running around in the mud, with and without equipment. I’m much more of an indoor exerciser, so I was pretty nervous when I turned up last Wednesday with Mel. We found the instructor and other group members to be very friendly, so that helped to relax us. Even though I make a real effort to keep fit, I found this really tough – half way through the warm up I felt like going home! Continue reading